The Education Department has started a new program named ‘Learning Competency Enhancement Programme’. Education is based on goals and achievement of goals depends on increase in ability. The purpose of education is also to apply and apply knowledge in real life. As long as knowledge remains stable, the real meaning of education will not be established. This program is a practical form of knowledge. Practical education is more practical than theory. A car cannot be driven on principle.

The level of understanding develops due to the end of rote practice.

Enhanced learning capability is the next step to mission capability. This is the highest level of learning. How can the knowledge gained in this be used and how can it be directly used in life. It is learning to understand and apply concepts. This can only be called the grossness of education. The program is divided into four capabilities.

Primary stage, initial stage, middle stage and secondary stage. This includes first to second, third to fifth, sixth to eighth and ninth to tenth classes respectively. It includes four subjects Punjabi, Mathematics, Science and Social Education. There is an aptitude based worksheet of 15 questions followed by an aptitude based test. On the basis of this test, by analyzing the data, weak abilities are identified and work is done on that ability. This program develops the level of understanding by rejecting the rota system.

the level of questions is high

The level of questions in this program is very high. This preparation can become the basis for good level examinations. Conceptual knowledge is most important in education. Most of the questions force teachers to think and discuss. These questions are very important for competitive exams, which will later form the basis of exams for NEET, JE Main, UPSC and state jobs. There is a need to take this program forward. Running this program for two-three months will not yield meaningful results. Second, the pace of this program is very fast. The curriculum and eight subjects, along with one seat and test each week, influence students’ preparation. The mental level of the students has to be taken care of. Long-term implementation of this program will yield meaningful results. The ability of students will increase. Knowledge should not be acquired just to pass, knowledge should not be acquired by rote learning but by raising the level of knowledge with competence, this program will definitely achieve this objective.

meaningful effort to secure the foundation

The brain is a storage machine. Data is stored in it. There is a series of knowledge. Concepts progress from easy to difficult. The knowledge of the sixth should extend to the seventh and even beyond the seventh. The level of learning increases. Augmented learning works on this concept. The mission sets the minimum level of competent education and every student should reach this level of learning. This level of learning determines how the student will progress in the learning process. Running this program in schools earlier this year was a meaningful effort to strengthen the foundation of the students.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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