Long Sitting Side Effects: Our daily habits and eating habits have a deep impact on our skin and appearance. Many times it happens that due to some of our habits we invite premature old age. Know that nothing is a big habit which has an impact on the body and mind.

sitting in one place for a long time

The habit of sitting for long periods of six to eight hours affects physical and mental health. Not only this but it also makes you age prematurely. Health experts say that sitting at one place for a long time can prove dangerous. The longer you sit in one place, the more dangerous it is for your health. Its serious consequences are seen in people who spend too much time sitting and leading sedentary lives compared to people who move around throughout the day.

Changes occur in the body as we age

In a report published in WebMD, health experts said that the habit of sitting for a long time can have many side effects. People who sit most of the day have brains that resemble those of people suffering from dementia. Sitting for long periods of time also increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, all of which change the body as we age.

risk of heart diseases

Health experts have found that sitting for long periods of time can increase the risk of premature heart disease. The study found that men who sat more than 23 hours a week had a 64 percent higher risk of developing and dying from heart disease than others. This can be a problem that increases the risk of heart attack or stroke by 147 percent.

danger of premature death

Prolonged or frequent sitting poses not only the risk of physical and mental side effects or premature aging, but can also increase the risk of premature death. People who sit for more than eight hours a day without any physical activity have an increased risk of obesity and premature death.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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