The story of an eight-year-old boy surviving five days of being lost in Zimbabwe’s lion park has gone viral on the internet. It captures how the young boy named Tinotenda Pudu came alive despite getting lost in the wild for days together. Pudu reportedly wandered 23 kilometres from his village and stepped into the Matusadona National Park, home to several wild animals including 40 lions. He was lost in the park which is said to have the highest lion population in Africa.

“True miracle”

Mutsa Murombedzi, a Member of Parliament called it a “true miracle” while sharing details about the case on X.

“He wandered away, lost direction, and unknowingly entered the perilous Matusadona game park. For five long days, the boy endured the unforgiving wild, including roaring lions, passing elephants, and cold nights on a rocky perch”, she wrote.

Survival story of 8-year-old

These words highlighted how the kid walked through the wild for five days and survived by consuming wild fruits and digging small wells for water.

While the incident of a young boy lost in the wilderness of a park that was home to several lions and other wildlife is undoubtedly scary, park rangers ensured it didn’t turn tragic.

The community effort in this case was appreciable as they looked for possible ways to rescue Pudu. Rangers and local volunteers joined hands to guide him home and coin a survival story.

The MP expressed gratitude towards the park rangers who involved in sending night drum signals each day to connect with Pudu and help navigate him home.

“We are overwhelmed with gratitude to the brave park rangers, the tireless Nyaminyami community who beat night drums each day to get the boy hear sound & get the direction back home & everyone who joined the search. Above all, we thank God”, read her X post.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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