Gently tilt your head side to side to release tension in your neck.
Timing: 30 seconds each side
Reps: 2 sets

Roll your shoulders forward and backward to loosen up any stiffness.
Timing: 30 seconds (15 seconds forward, 15 seconds backward)
Reps: 2 sets

Stand tall and stretch your arms upward, feeling the stretch along your sides.
Timing: 30 seconds
Reps: 2 sets

Slowly bend forward, reaching for your toes, to stretch your hamstrings and lower back.
Timing: 30 seconds
Reps: 2 sets

On all fours, alternate arching and rounding your back to stretch your spine.
Timing: 1 minute
Reps: 2 sets (30 seconds each)

Step one foot forward into a lunge and stretch your hip flexors for a deeper stretch.
Timing: 30 seconds each leg
Reps: 2 sets

Sit on the floor, stretch one leg out, and gently lean forward to stretch your hamstring.
Timing: 30 seconds each leg
Reps: 2 sets

Sit back on your heels and stretch your arms forward, relaxing your body and calming your mind.
Timing: 30 seconds
Reps: 2 set