Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Nearly 700 vehicle users were booked for driving under the influence of liquor, during the combing patrolling of Indore Police on Saturday night. Their vehicles were also seized by the police. Besides, action was taken against 1,195 people involved in various criminal activities in the city.

On the instruction of CP Santosh Kumar Singh, the DCPs of all four zones instructed the teams to start a checking drive, patrolling in the city to take action against the criminals and to maintain peace during the New Year celebration.

Police teams were deployed at various intersections of the city. They were laced with breath analyzers. Other teams were patrolling in the sensitive areas of the city. During the drive, 700 vehicle users were booked under section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act after they were found under the influence of liquor.

Their vehicles were also seized by the police and the drivers were also warned not to drive after consuming liquor. A total of 1,981 anti-social elements were checked and action has been taken against 1,195 of them after finding their roles in various criminal activities. Many warrants, including arrest warrants, were executed by the police during the drive.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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