Now that winter has swiftly left and signs of summer season have started to show, your body will go through changes too
It will especially react to the increased temperatures by throwing off excess heat form the body. It can cause you discomfort, itching and irritation. But here are ways to deal with it
Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest and most effective ways to keep your body temperature under control. Opt for cool water, coconut water, or electrolyte-rich drinks to replenish lost fluids
Caffeinated drinks and spicy foods can raise body temperature by increasing metabolism and triggering sweating. Instead, opt for herbal teas or fresh juices to stay hydrated without raising internal heat levels
Clothing choices impact how much heat your body retains. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics like cotton and linen
Natural remedies can also help bring down body heat. Applying aloe vera gel on the skin for a cooling effect. Drinking buttermilk to balance body temperature
The sun is at its strongest between 10 am and 4 pm, making it best to stay indoors during these hours. If you need to go out, wear a hat, apply sunscreen, and carry water to stay protected from excessive heat exposure

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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