Seven people, including five students were killed in a tragic accident on the Junagadh-Veraval highway near Maliya Hatina village on Monday morning. The collision between two cars led to a catastrophic explosion, with one vehicle’s CNG cylinder igniting, spreading fire to nearby hutments and trapping passengers inside.
According to initial reports, both cars were traveling at full speed when they collided head-on near Maliya Hatina village. The intensity of the crash caused the CNG cylinder in one car to explode, engulfing the vehicle in flames. Rescue operations were initiated by Junagadh’s police and fire departments. However, despite their best efforts, the passengers trapped in the burning car could not be saved.
Fire Spreads to Hutments
The explosion caused the fire to spread to adjacent huts along the highway, creating a larger crisis. The fire department managed to control the blaze in the hutments after considerable effort, with cooling operations continuing for hours. Authorities are now investigating the incident and have begun contacting the families of the deceased.
“The fire caused by the CNG cylinder explosion trapped passengers inside the car. The vehicle got locked, preventing escape,” a police official on the scene stated. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem examinations and will be handed over to the families afterward.
This tragic accident highlights the importance of vehicle maintenance, especially for CNG-powered cars. Experts emphasize that negligence in periodic maintenance increases the risk of short circuits and gas leaks, which can lead to fatal incidents.
“Old wiring, improper vehicle checks, and lack of adherence to company instructions are significant factors contributing to such accidents,” said a safety expert. Additionally, carrying flammable materials, smoking inside the car, or prolonged use of heaters in CNG vehicles can further elevate risks.
Authorities are urging CNG car owners to follow safety guidelines such as regularly inspecting the vehicle, particularly the wiring and CNG components, avoid carrying flammable materials or smoking inside the vehicle, Ensure professional installation of CNG kits and follow up with periodic checks, avoid prolonged use of heaters or electrical appliances inside the car.
Traffic Resumes, Investigation Underway
The highway, which was blocked due to the accident, has been cleared, and traffic has resumed. Authorities are conducting a thorough investigation to determine further details about the crash and the cause of the CNG cylinder explosion.