The life of 65-year-old Pandurang Ulpe took a unique turn when he was being taken home from the hospital after being considered dead. A simple speed breaker not only proved the news of his death wrong but also saved his life. The incident took place in Kasaba-Bawada village of Kolhapur district in Maharashtra, where he was taken to a private hospital after suffering a heart attack on December 16.
Doctors declared him dead
After Pandurang Ulpe was taken to the hospital, doctors declared him dead. His family began the process of bringing his “body” home. Hearing the news of Ulpe’s death, neighbors and relatives were already making preparations for the last rites at his house.
Speed breaker became a new turning point in life
His wife said, “When we were carrying his body in the ambulance, the ambulance passed through a speed breaker. Then we saw that his fingers were moving.” Seeing this the family felt that perhaps he was still alive.
admitted to another hospital
Seeing this, the family immediately decided to take him to another nearby hospital. There the doctors examined his condition and admitted him in critical condition. After this he underwent angioplasty and was hospitalized for about fifteen days.
return to life
After 15 days of treatment, Pandurang Ulpe returned home on January 1. A journey that was supposed to take them to the crematorium now became a journey back home.
Pandurang Ulpe Experience
Describing the incident, Pandurang Ulpe said, “I was walking home that day. After drinking tea, I felt dizzy and short of breath. I don’t remember anything after vomiting in the bathroom. “I don’t even know how I reached the hospital.”
hospital silence
While this incident came as a miracle for the family, the hospital which declared him dead is yet to comment on the matter.
an inspiring event
This story is about a miracle that happened on the borderline of life and death. A simple speed breaker not only saved a family from misery, but also proved that sometimes life comes back with new paths.