Sanwer (Madhya Pradesh): In a poignant demonstration of perseverance, 628 farmers from Nagpur Sanwer gathered at a public hearing to demand payment of outstanding insurance claims, which have been pending due to alleged negligence by IPC Bank officials.

For the past seven years, these farmers have been navigating bureaucratic hurdles to secure their rightful claims under Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme, amounting to over Rs 2 crore. Led by prominent farmer leaders Ramswaroop Mantri, Bablu Jadhav and Shailendra Patel, the group presented their grievances to the Additional Collector during the hearing. They highlighted that 407 farmers were unable to register their claims on the insurance portal due to errors made by the bank, while 221 others faced issues stemming from incorrect entries related to their Patwari Halka.

Despite previous interventions from former Collector Lokesh Kumar Jatav, who had urged IPC Bank and Agriculture Development Department to rectify the situation, no action has been taken. Alarmingly, the bank official responsible for oversight has reportedly been rewarded with a promotion to Managing Director.

The United Kisan Morcha is adamant that justice must be served, demanding immediate payment of insurance claims for farmers who have endured this ordeal for far too long. The Additional Collector assured farmers that a meeting with IPC Bank and Agriculture Department officials would be convened soon to expedite a resolution to their plight.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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