SIM Card and WhatsApp News: With the number of cyber crimes including digital arrests increasing in the country, the Central Government is taking strict action against cyber criminals. The Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (14C), a unit of the Home Ministry, has blocked over 59,000 WhatsApp accounts and over 1,700 Skype IDs used in digital fraud against the country’s citizens, the government said.
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination (14C), a unit of the Home Ministry, launched the Citizen Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System in 2021 to facilitate immediate reporting of financial frauds to prevent money laundering by cyber fraudsters, Bandi said. Sanjay Kumar, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs With the help of this system, more than 9.94 lakh complaints have been recovered and about Rs. Misuse of funds worth more than Rs 3431 crore has been stopped.
Kumar said the government has blocked over 6.69 lakh SIM cards and 1.32 lakh IMEIs as reported by the police in the country till November 15, 2024. To curb cyber crimes including digital fraud, the Central Government and telecom service providers have developed a system that identifies fraudulent international calls made to mobile users.
It appears that calls from abroad are coming from India to make the country’s citizens victims of cyber crimes. These types of fake calls are used by cyber criminals for fake digital arrests, FedEx scams.
He said that telecom service providers have been instructed to stop fake international calls. Additionally, 14C has also set up a state-of-the-art Cyber Fraud Mitigation Centre, where representatives from leading banks, financial institutions, payment aggregators, TSPs, IT intermediaries and state and central law enforcement agencies ensure prompt action and seamless collaboration. In cyber crime. 14C in collaboration with banks and financial institutions has launched a suspect registry to identify cyber criminals on 10 September 2024.