A father in Madhya Pradesh’s Mandsaur gave his son a unique name when he was born years ago. As the child took birth on Republic Day, which is celebrated on January 26, he named him “Chabbis January”. Now, this kid has grown up as a 59-year-old man who keeps his government-issued identity card handy to prove his unusual name is true. Whenever people hear him introduce him as “26 January”, they are stunned for a second. To confirm he isn’t bluffing, this man carries his ID.

Meet “26 January” from MP

This MP man made headlines amidst Republic Day celebrations this year. While India celebrated the national festival on Sunday, this man marked his 59th birthday.

He has gone viral for his unconventional name which reminds people of Republic Day. A few Hindi news media portals shared a photo of his Voter Card to clarify that his name read “Chabbis Janvary Talor”. The spelling of the month was a probable error during the translation from Hindi to English, while “Talor” was the family’s surname.

The official document identified him as “Chabbis Janvary Talor” and the son of Satyanarayan Talor, who gave Chabbis this name.

Unique name draws problems

This unique name reportedly posed challenges in legal and personal procedures, including marriage prospects and trouble opening a bank account, necessitating affidavits to prove his name as “Chabbis Janvary”.

It was pointed out that some people would find the name very bizarre and make fun of Chabbis, but he never complained about the name his father had given him. He continued to keep the name his father lovingly gave him despite attracting numerous problems because of its uniqueness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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