After hiding in the jungle of Parsik Hill in Belapur for four days, 50 year old man who had assaulted a nine months old boy and his mother over a toddler’s ‘defecating’ issue, has been arrested. The accused, Raju Satta, had assaulted his neighbour Anjali Usman Shaikh (37) and her number month old son Adaan after her two year son Ayaan had defecated outside the residence of Satta. Satta and Shaikh family stayed at Panchasheel hutment area at Belapur village and had been at logger heads always over encroaching I to each other’s space.

The incident happened at on Thursday evening. Threatening to teach a lesson to the family, Satta took an iron rod and ran behind the mother of the child to assault her. The mother ran with her younger child on road while Satta ran behind her.Meanwhile, her husband Usman Shaikh (40) who also ran behind Satta to stop him from assaulting his wife also got hit by Satta. Both the nine month old child his mother received severe head injuries. The child had to undergo a head surgery. Both the child and the mother underwent treatment and got discharged while the man received minor injuries.

“We had found the last location of Satta at Parsik hill. We also got to know that Satta had a fight with Shaikh family previously as well and after the fight, he had his himself in the jungle of Parsik hill. Hence suspecting that he would be hiding at Parsik hill, we searched for him for three days and found him,”a police officer from NRI Coastal police station said.

The search operation was being done by 12 police personnel who were searching for him from 10 am to 7pm. At the time of nabbing him, the causes had his himself smartly behind bushes but his feet were visible slightly due to which he was spotted.Satta was produced before the court on Monday and has been remanded to police custody. He was arrested under charges of attempt to murder.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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