The Khadakpada police have arrested a 50-year-old male Sadhu (Baba) who allegedly molested a woman under the pretext of solving her relatives’ problems in Kalyan on Monday.

The accused has been identified as Arvind Jadhav (50). The incident took place in the Ambivli area situated in Kalyan on Saturday when a 25-year-old woman visited Baba’s residence.

According to the police, Baba asked her to sit in a room. Baba Jadhav allegedly touched her inappropriately in the course of hearing her problem. Following this, the victim realized it was inappropriate touching, so she left to head home.

She narrated the entire episode to her family members and later approached the police station on Sunday. The police filed an FIR against him under various sections of the Bharatiya Penal Code.

Amarnath Waghmode, senior police inspector from Khadakpada police station, said, “We have lodged a case against the accused after receiving the complaint. We summoned the accused to the police station on Monday for inquiry. During the investigation, it was learned that he committed the offense.

Moreover, under section 3 of the Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and Other Inhuman and Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act was added. The accused was arrested on Monday, produced in court, and remanded in police custody for two days.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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