Indore (Madhya Pradesh): An anti-encroachment drive was conducted near the Reti Mandi Square on Thursday morning. Permanent and temporary shops, some houses, and roadside eateries constructed on IDA (Indore Development Authority) land were removed.

The operation involved a team from the municipal corporation, supported by heavy police deployment, along with six JCBs and two Poclain machines. The action was taken following a court ruling in favor of the IDA.

According to officials, this drive was part of IDA’s Scheme No 97, Part 4, near Reti Mandi. During the operation, around 40 permanent shops, 15 temporary shops, five houses, and three eateries were removed.

Deputy commissioner Lata Agrawal, stated that the action was carried out following a letter from the IDA to the municipal commissioner, informing them that the encroachments fell within their scheme’s jurisdiction. Adequate notice had been given to encroachers to vacate the area, which helped avoid any conflict during the operation.

As a result, most shops were vacant during the drive. The team of corporation staff, in coordination with a sufficient police force, successfully executed the operation without any major issues.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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