It is important for an individual to understand a passive-agressive behaviour from their partner in a relationship
Letting go of small tantrums can lead to massive fall-outs in relationships. Here are ways to recognise these signs
Silent treatment. One partner intentionally ignores the other or withdraws communication as a way of expressing anger or dissatisfaction
Offering praise that is subtly critical or sarcastic, such as, “It’s nice you finally did something right.”
Deliberately delaying tasks or making excuses to avoid commitments, often as a form of silent resistance
Refusing to openly discuss issues or concerns and instead expressing frustration through indirect means, like sighing or making vague statements
Making comments that imply the other person is at fault without directly addressing the issue, such as, “It’s fine; I’ll just do it myself as always.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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