Team India’s veteran spinner R Ashwin has announced his retirement from cricket after the Gabba Test. His decision surprised the fans and the cricket world. However, a picture of him and Virat Kohli in the dressing room hinted at this big decision. Let us tell you that the Gaba Test was his last test match. Let us know 5 such amazing records of Ashwin which will not be easy for any player to break. Let us know about his 5 most difficult records…
Highest “Player of the Series” award in Test
Ravichandran Ashwin has won the “Player of the Series” title 11 times so far in Test cricket, the most by any player in Tests. This shows that his performance during the series has been the best. Ashwin has helped the team win many times when needed with his brilliant bowling and useful batting. His all-round performance has helped him achieve this special status and he always makes important contributions to the team.
Record of taking most 5 wickets in a test innings
Ravichandran Ashwin has taken 5 wickets in an innings 37 times so far in Test cricket, which places him second in the world and first in India. This shows his excellent bowling and ability to trouble the opposition batsmen. This lethal bowling of Ashwin has always played a big role in the victory of the Indian team. Due to his excellent performance the team has won many important matches. In the first place is Sri Lanka’s Muttiah Muralitharan who has achieved this feat 67 times.
Fastest bowler to take 350 test wickets
Ravichandran Ashwin holds the record of taking 350 wickets in just 66 matches in Test cricket, which is the fastest by any bowler. This record proves how effective Ashwin’s bowling was and how quickly he was able to dismiss the opposition batsmen. This shows his hard work and dedication towards cricket and this record is a great achievement in his career.
One century and 5 wickets in an innings in Test
Ravichandran Ashwin has also made a record of scoring 100 runs and taking 5 wickets in an innings in Test cricket. This is a very special achievement, as it is very difficult to excel in both batting and bowling in the same innings. Ashwin played accurate shots in his batting and also troubled the opposition batsmen with his bowling. His record shows that he has been an excellent all-rounder.
Left handed batsman took most wickets
Ravichandran Ashwin holds the record for dismissing left-handed batsmen the most number of times in Test cricket. He has dismissed 266 left-handed batsmen so far. The specialty of Ashwin’s bowling is that he has been very successful against left-handed batsmen. This record is a big achievement in his cricket career.