Telangana: At least five individuals tragically lost their lives, and one sustained injuries when a car plunged into a lake in Telangana’s Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district during the early hours of Saturday, December 7. The incident occurred in the Jalalpur area of Bhudan Pochampally subdivision as a group of six friends was travelling from Hyderabad to Bhudan Pochampally.
Details On The Accident
The speeding vehicle reportedly lost control, veered off the road and plunged into the lake. Locals alerted authorities, prompting a swift response from the Telangana Police. Rescuers managed to retrieve the injured passenger and transported him to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. The bodies of the deceased were recovered and sent for postmortem examinations.
Visuals surfaced on the internet show the car plunged into the lake. Locals and rescuers can be seen standing near the car, retreiving bodies outside. Five bodies were recovered from the vehicle and were sent to the nearest hospital.
Victims Identified
Police identified the victims as Vamsi (23), Dignesh (21), Harsha (21), Balu (19), and Vinay (21), all residents of Hyderabad. The sole survivor, Manikanth (21), is also from Hyderabad. All the six individuals were friends and were travelling from Hyderabad to Bhudan Pochampally when the horrific accident took place.
A senior police official confirmed that a case had been registered, and investigations are underway to determine the cause of the accident. “The bodies will be handed over to their families after completing the legal formalities,” the official stated.