When we are at the age of 20, we feel that our body is completely healthy and energetic, so we do not pay much attention to our health. But the negligence in young age can lead to serious diseases.

This time is especially for women of physical and hormonal changes, which can have a profound impact on their future health. Therefore, it becomes very important to conduct some necessary health tests at this age, so that any disease can be detected on time and further complications can be avoided.

If you want to live a healthy life, then do these 5 health tests in 20s.

1. BMI Test (Body Mass Index – BMI Test)

BMI means body mass index suggests whether your weight is correct according to your height or not.

Why is it necessary?

Hormonal changes: After the age of 20, changes in the body starts rapidly.
Weight control: more or less weight can lead to countless health problems.
Effect of metabolism: At this age the rate of metabolism starts changing, which increases the chances of weight gain or decreasing.

How to get it done?

Your weight (KG) is divided by your height (m²) to extract BMI.

  • Less than 18.5 → underweight
  • 18.5-24.9 → Normal
  • 25-29.9 → overweight
  • Over 30 → obesity

If your BMI is more or less than normal, then you should focus on your diet and lifestyle.

2. Pap Smear Test

Pap smear test helps in detecting the presence of cervical cancer and HPV virus in women.

Why is it necessary?

Prevention of uterine cancer: It helps to prevent it in the early stage of uterine cancer.
Investigation of HPV infection: If a woman is sexually active, she must conduct this test, as the HPV virus is one of the sexually transmitted infections (STIS).

When to get it done?

🔹 First get it after the age of 21 years.
🔹 After this, one should do it once every 3 years.

If this test is done on time, it is possible to prevent uterine cancer.

3. Breast Examination

The risk of breast cancer is low in 20s, but it may increase in future. Therefore, it is very important to get breast examination done.

Why is it necessary?

Identification of breast cancer: If there is any kind of lump, pain, abnormal change in the breast, then a doctor should be checked immediately.
Examination once a year: Every woman should get a breast examination done by a doctor at least once a year.

  • Feel any abnormality by pressing the breast lightly with your hand.
  • If you see any change, see a doctor immediately.

If someone already has breast cancer in the family, then this investigation should be taken even more seriously.

4. Hepatitis B and C Test

Hepatitis B and C are viruses that damage liver and can cause serious diseases if not cured on time.

Why is it necessary?

To know the health of the liver:

  • If the liver is deteriorating, there are no symptoms in the beginning.
    To detect infection:
  • Infected blood transfusion, unsafe relationships or contaminated needles can spread infection.
    If you find out quickly, it is possible to treat it.

When to get it done?

🔹 If you are in infected blood or any risky environment, then do this test.
🔹 It is good to check it once every 3-5 years.

If this disease is detected quickly, it can be controlled by medicines and lifestyle improvements.

5. PCOD / PCOS Test (PCOD / PCOS Test)

PCOD and POLYCYSTIC Ovary Syndrome are both women’s hormonal problems, which can have a serious impact on health from an early age.

Why is it necessary?

Irregularity of periods: If your periods are not regularly coming, it can be a sign of PCOS.
Weight gain and pimples:

  • Sudden weight gain, unwanted hair on the face and pimples can also be its symptoms.
    Effect on future fertility:
  • If it is ignored, it can cause problems in future pregnancies.

When to get it done?

🔹 If periods are irregular, more hair is falling or pimples are getting more, then see a doctor immediately.
🔹 If it is not treated at the right time, it can cause diabetes and hormonal imbalance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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