Most often overlook what an organ does for your body’s health. And it threatens your very living. It is essential to keep every organ healthy. One such organ is the liver. Many do not have the full knowledge of liver function. Baba Ramdev wants you to know how to keep it healthy.

Liver functions

Found in the upper right-hand side near the abdomen, the largest gland in your body works to detoxify and clean blood and aid in blood clotting. It produces the bile essential to digest and absorb fats and create cholesterol required for your body to function.

It helps turn the deadly ammonia into urea for your urine and also aids in managing amino acids in the blood. Your liver produces the protein needed for blood plasma. Your excess sugar levels get turned into glycogen. It also helps fight bacteria to keep you safe from infection.

These are just a few functions of the liver. But when the liver gets damaged or stops working, your health gets impacted tremendously.

When the liver stops functioning

One of the signs of liver trouble is jaundice. Your skin goes yellow while your eyes turn white. Then, there is abdomen swelling and subsequent pain. Your legs and ankles swell up due to fluid retention following liver damage.

You might feel enduring tiredness or nausea and even vomiting. Your lack of appetite is another symptom apart from easy bruising. You even face weight loss. Your stool comes out pale. These few symptoms are enough to follow Baba Ramdev’s tips and bring it back to normal.


Five liver care tips by Baba Ramdev

1.      Liver-friendly diet: This is the first cardinal rule in liver care. Keep your diet healthy and fibre-rich, full of vegetables, fruits, good fats, dairy, and more. Stay away from junk food, refined carbs, and refined sugar. Drink water plentifully.

2.      Exercise and weight watch: You must ensure your body weight meets your height and BMI. So, you need to have an active regime. Make exercise your daily routine to maintain weight and stay healthy. Yoga is a good exercise option.

3.      Avoid substances: The modern lifestyle these days includes the consumption of alcohol and drugs. Avoid them at every cost. Smoking can cause liver troubles. You need to stay away from cigarettes.

4.      Vaccinations and medications: Get your doctor to give Hepatitis A and B vaccines. The one for Hepatitis C is not available at present. Ensure the medications or supplements you are taking are not liver-damaging.

5.      Mindful living: A healthy lifestyle also includes living a good life. Keep life filled with mindful practices like meditation, picking up hobbies and all those things that keep stress away and provide a relaxed life. Your liver stays healthy and your mind.

While following these tips, you can also pick Patanjali offerings suitable for a healthy liver. Patanjali Livamrit Tablet (33 Gm) is a natural option for detoxifying and has all the traditional herbs to keep your liver safe. Or opt for Patanjali Livamrit Syrup (200 Ml) for an appetite increase, keeping your liver functions healthy, and helping deal with stomach issues.

The Divya Livogrit Tablet 60 N (49 Gm) would be useful for detoxification and good digestion and provide complete well-being. Regular use of Patanjali Cumin Whole (100 Gm and 200 Gm) is good for fighting cholesterol and managing weight well. With these tips from Baba Ramdev, liver care is easy. 

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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