Anxiety and stress have become a common problem. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing help combat these, but sometimes the situation is such that you need immediate relief, like while waiting for an interview or stuck in a traffic jam. In such situations, you can use the following 5 techniques to recover from anxiety attacks:
1. Correct breathing technique
Correct breathing technique, called diaphragmatic breathing, can help control anxiety. Your breathing becomes faster during stress, so focus on your breathing. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, take a deep breath through both nostrils, expand your stomach, then slowly exhale through your mouth. This process will help you get rid of stress.
2. Go for a walk
Taking a short walk is an effective way to reduce anxiety. Walking increases the level of endorphin hormones, which helps improve mood. Try to take a walk in a park, where you can experience nature. This will help you to get out of the current situation.
3. Understand your feelings
Understanding your emotions is another way to overcome anxiety. Ask yourself what you are feeling – fear, anger, or something else? When you recognize your emotions, it helps your brain calm down.
4. Do some stretching
Stretching is not only meant to strengthen muscles, but it is also effective in reducing stress and anxiety. Apply pressure on the palate with your tongue and rotate the head slowly. This will relax the muscles of the neck and jaw, which will also calm your mind.
5. Run the horses of imagination
You can also overcome anxiety by taking the help of your imagination. When having an anxiety attack, think of a pleasant event or place. If you can’t think of any, imagine the ocean, the smell of rain, or any other pleasant thing. Take deep breaths, and your mind will automatically calm down.