Weakening of memory is a common problem with increasing age, but due to today’s stressful lifestyle, this problem is being seen even in young people. From children to adults, many people are facing the problem of forgetting small things. If you are also facing difficulty in remembering, then you can improve your memory by using your fingers. Here are 5 easy finger movements that can help you improve your memory.

1. Beak exercise

In this finger movement, join all the fingers of one hand in the shape of a beak and place the beak in the middle of the palm of the other hand like a bird. Repeat this exercise 50 times with both hands. This exercise will help in increasing your concentration and memory.

2. Interlock of fingers

Spread the fingers of both your hands and entangle them in the fingers of the other hand, while both the palms are joined together. Then lift the fingers of the right hand first, then close back and lift the fingers of the other hand. Do this for at least 2 minutes, which will reduce stress and keep anxiety under control.

3. thumb touch

In this exercise, touch the thumb with all your fingers one by one. This exercise will help in sharpening your mind and improving decision making ability.

4. Gyan Mudra Yoga

Practice the technique of ‘Gyan Mudra Yoga’ in this exercise. In this, join the index finger and thumb of both the hands, which will help in keeping your brain calm.

5. Making a Fist

To control anger and reduce overthinking, join all your fingers and keep the palm straight. Then fold the fingers in half, make a beak shape, and finally make a fist. Do this finger movement for 2 minutes.

Doing these finger movements regularly will improve your memory and also enhance mental health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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