Problems like strong sunlight, heat stroke, dehydration and weakness become common during the summer season. In such a situation, the right catering becomes very important. Gum Katira is a great natural remedy to keep the body cool and hydrated from inside. It is prepared after drying the glue extracted from trees and is rich in many medicinal properties.

Know here 5 big advantages of gum katira in summer, which make it perfect to include it in your diet.

1) Beneficial for digestive system

Gum katira is rich in fiber, which makes the digestive system strong.
It helps prevent constipation and relieve stomach problems.
Reduces acidity and stomach irritation.
Helps the food digest better and reduces stomach inflammation.

How to consume?
Drinking the digestive system by soaking 1 glass of milk or gum katira in water every morning, strengthens the digestive system.

2) Keeps the body hydrated

Gum Katira is an excellent hydrating agent, which helps prevent dehydration in the body.
It maintains electrolyte balance of the body and prevents problems like fatigue, headache.
This is very beneficial for people who spend more time in strong sunlight.

How to consume?
Drink it mixed with lemonade, shikanji or coconut water, so that the body can be kept hydrated throughout the day.

3) Cools the body in summer

Gum Katira acts as a natural cooling agent.
It helps protect against heat stroke and heat.
Removes irritability, nervousness and fatigue caused by heat.

How to consume?
Soaking gum katira in water overnight and drinking it in milk or cold in the morning gives cool to the body.

4) Strengthen joints and bones

Gum katira contains calcium and magnesium, which makes bones strong.
It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce arthritis and joint pain.
It is very beneficial for aged people.

How to consume?
Drink it daily mixed with lukewarm milk, so that the health of bones and joints will remain.

5) strengthens immunity

Gum katira is rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, which strengthens the immune system.
Its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties help protect the body from infections and diseases.
Taking it daily in summer can prevent cold and cold infection.

How to consume?
Drink it mixed with milk or juice or use it as syrup.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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