The central detection unit attached to the Kashigaon police station have arrested a notorious drug peddler identified as-Indu Bablu Pandey (43) for illegally entering into the city limits by defying externment (tadipaar) orders issued against her.

According to the police, Pandey who peddled substances like ganja (cannabis) has multiple offences registered against her under the relevant sections of the  Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985 at local police stations. Despite arrests and warnings, she had failed to mend her ways. Convinced that her presence was a potential threat to the society, the deputy commissioner of police (DCP-Zone I) had issued an order on 12, November, 2024 in accordance with the provisions under the Maharashtra Police Act, 1951 externing Indu Pandey from the limits of Thane, Palghar, Mumbai (city) and Mumbai (suburban) for a period of six months.

A patrolling team from the detection unit received a tip-off about Indu’s presence in the Dachkul Pada area of Kashigaon on Sunday. After receiving instructions from recently appointed senior police inspector of Kashigaon police station- Mahesh Togarwad, the team swooped down on Taiba Nagar in Dachkulpada and found Indu to be residing in one of the tenements in Krishna Chawl. Following due verifications of documents related to the validity of externment orders, the team arrested Indu and registered an additional offence against her under section 142 of the same act which deals with entering without permission from an area to which it has been directed upon to remove herself/himself. Further investigations were underway.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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