While many prefer avoiding drinking juices in winter as they consider it to support colds and coughs, certain ingredients keep you hale and hearty even in the chill of the season. The best part is that you can make juices to aid in staying healthy in winter. Fortunately, Ayurveda has juice options to keep your winter strong.
Can you have juices in winter?
You can consume certain juices at room temperature. These keep immunity strong and avoid troubles like colds, coughs, and flu, provide minerals and vitamins for good health and are a good alternative to hot drinks or mid-morning fluid options.

What are the ingredients?
While some are standalone juices, you can combine them with other beneficial ingredients like spinach, kale, ginger, tomato, carrots, beetroots, and celery. Plenty of online recipes help you make winter-specific juices out of these ingredients.
Citrus fruits: Lemons, oranges, amlas, and sweet lemons are some citrus fruits in season. These contain the much-needed Vitamin C that fights colds and coughs. Their antioxidants are a boon for staying fit, while their natural sugars beat artificial sugar options.
Apples: These juicy fruits are another great winter option for making juices. Apples contain minerals like magnesium and iron that support complete health. The fibre content works well for digestion. Apples also contain Vitamin C, the perfect antidote to combat flu, colds, and coughs.

Strawberries: This fruit is our health partner in the season and has potassium to control blood pressure and nerve and muscle functions, prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones, etc. Find VitaminB9, Vitamin C and Vitamin D in them. control
Karela: While bitter gourd might not sound like a tempting option for making juice, the benefits of this juice are great. It has vitamins and minerals to manage winter skin and hair issues, aid in digestion, treat any respiratory troubles, and provide overall immunity.

Patanjali Foods is creating products for your complete ayurvedic solutions to all health needs. The Patanjali Lemon Drink (250 Ml and 500 Ml) is a ready-to-drink drink that contains lemon’s power like Vitamin C and potassium. Another Vitamin C option is Patanjali Glucoshakti Orange (250 Gm and 500 Gm) for immense immunity while upping energy. Patanjali Amla Juice (500 Ml and 1 Litre) also increases Vitamin C and minerals to fight digestion issues and increase hair growth.
Get your winter immunity, digestion and weight management with the Patanjali Apple Vinegar with Haldi and Ginger (500 Ml). Consume it with water. Pick the Patanjali Strawberry Basil Drink (200 Ml) with the benefits of strawberries and basil to ease digestion and provide essential nutrients and antioxidants. The refreshingly natural Patanjali Karela Jamun 50-50 Juice (500 Ml) keeps your skin and hair healthy with nutrients like Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin. It is an energy booster. Having juices in winter is an easy game now.