Raising children properly is a big responsibility for every parent. Every parent wants their child to live a happy and successful life, but sometimes they make mistakes in unknowingly, which negatively impact the child’s mental and emotional development.
Since the mother’s role is most important in raising children, their small habits can also affect the future of the child. Many times mothers adopt some ways for the good of children, which are not really right for them.
If you want your child to be self -sufficient, confident and happy, then it is very important to avoid these 4 big mistakes.
1. Comparing children to others
Wrong habit
It is very common in Indian homes that parents keep comparing their child to Sharma ji’s son or neighbor’s daughter.
Mothers often compare them to someone else to improve children or taunt children.
This habit causes deep harm to children’s self-prestenem.
What happens with this?
The pressure on the child increases unnecessarily.
He starts feeling weak and less than others.
This affects his confidence, which can be harmful for his future.
The right way:
Every child has his own ability, appreciate him.
Instead of comparing the child to someone else, inspire him to be better than yourself.
Even recognize his small achievements, this will increase his confidence.
2. To be over protective about child
Wrong habit
It is important to take care of the safety and goodness of children, but being excessively protected can hindered their development.
If you do not allow your child to face any kind of challenges, then he will not learn to take his own decisions.
What happens with this?
The child does not become self -sufficient.
He is never ready to face the struggles of life.
In any case, it is difficult to handle himself and stand for his rights.
The right way:
Give the child guide for right and wrong, but give him a chance to take decisions.
Give small responsibilities, so that he becomes self-sufficient.
If the child makes a mistake, explain it with love, but do not try to save him all the time.
3. Do not keep children in discipline
Wrong habit
Many mothers raise children in a lot of pampering, so that they can become undisciplined and stubborn.
If children are not taught to be in discipline from the beginning, then they do not learn to differentiate between right and wrong.
What happens with this?
Children do not learn to take responsibility without discipline.
They start doing arbitrary and ignore the words of the elders.
Stubborn and angry nature can develop.
The right way:
Teach discipline to the child since childhood.
Make some rules and get them strictly followed.
Make a habit of eating, sleeping and studying at the right time.
Instead of scolding to teach discipline, talk with love and understanding.