Mumbai: The Mumbai Unit of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), have arrested three staffers, including registrar of Maharashtra Paramedical Council, Cama Hospital for allegedly demanding bribe from an official posted at a rural hospital at Sangli in order to provide him a paramedical certificate, officials said on Thursday.
The accused public servants have been identified as registrar Suresh Patil and clerks Vishal Chavan and Amit Mahangade from Maharashtra Paramedical Council.
According to the ACB sources, the complainant is working in X-Ray department at the Rural Hospital, Ashta, Sangli. After appointment the complainant was required to register and obtain certificate from Maharashtra Paramedical Council. Accordingly, the complainant submitted an application to the Maharashtra Paramedical Council, Mumbai.
On January 13, when the complainant went to the office of Maharashtra Paramedical Council, Mumbai to obtain the said certificate, registrar Suresh Patil demanded Rs 40,000 as bribe for giving the said certificate to the complainant. As the complainant did not want to pay bribe to the public servant, he approached the ACB on Wednesday and filed a written complaint.
The ACB verified the allegations made by the complainant and after it was established that the accused public servants has demanded bribe a trap was laid and the accused persons were apprehended after one of the accused Amit Mahangade was caught red-handed accepting bribe money.
A case was registered against them under relevant section of Prevention of Corruption Act. They were later placed under arrest.