In Maldives, the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) has suspended 3 Supreme Court judges Husnu Sood, Mahaj Ali Zaheer and Dr. in connection with the ongoing investigation by the Anti -Corruption Commission. Azmiralda Zaheer has been suspended. This decision was taken under Section 25 of the JSC Act during the recent meeting of the Commission. The JSC member confirmed that the action was taken by the Prevention of Corruption Commission (ACC) after shared its investigation with the Commission.


3 Supreme Court judges suspended in Maldives

Judges involved in corruption in Maldives have been suspended after JSC investigation. The names of these three judges, Hassan, Mahaj Ali Zaheer and Dr. Azimirlda Zaheer. The Maldives Judicial Services Commission (JSC) has taken this decision under Section 25 (i) after investigation by ACC. A member of the commission confirmed that the suspension was directly related to the investigation of corruption.

When can a judge be removed?

The decision came after an amendment passed in Parliament, under which the number of judges of the Supreme Court was reduced from seven to five. According to the provisions of the Constitution of Maldives, judges cannot be removed from their positions until they violate moral principles. If the Judicial Services Commission finds evidence of the misconduct of the judges, they can be removed from the post. According to the law, JSC can remove a judge only if a case of disciplinary misconduct is proved and two-thirds of the members of the present Parliament vote in favor of removing. Legal experts say that Parliament’s Counselor General Fatima Filja said that it would be unconstitutional to remove judges in this way. The Judicial Services Commission is an independent body that advises the President and Parliament on matters related to the judiciary.

JSC is also preparing against other judges of the Supreme Court

JSC is preparing to investigate the disciplinary cases of some Supreme Court judges. Some government officials believe that JSC has already “filed” several cases against the judges. There are many things that can prove to be weakening the loyalty of judges.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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