A 28 year old labourer from Jharkhand who had been earning his living by driving an excavator, died after the same excavator fell over him. The deceased, who is also made accused in the case, Ajaykumar Mangar Mahto, was driving the excavator down from the trailer when the accident happened.

On Wedneday, the excavator was carried to Karan Soneri phata which is besides bridge from Uran to Jasai. The excavator was carried on a trailer. After reaching the site wherein the work was being undertaken by a private firm for Railways, Mahto along with the trailer driver had lunch. Later, Mahto climbed onto the excavator to get it down.

The accident site

The accident site |

“While driving it down, he realized that he was losing the balance of the vehicle and assuming that he will save himself, he jumped out of the driver’s cabin. But the excavator too tilted and landed on him killing him on the spot,” senior police inspector BT Ove from Nhava Sheva police station said.

The incident happened in the afternoon of Wednesday and a FIR was registered on Thursday after the police found that there was negligence on the part of the deceased himself.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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