Indore (Madhya Pradesh): In an unusual incident, a 27-year-old worker of Dal Mill died by accidental strangulation after his scarf got stuck in a machine in Banganga area on Friday. The incident occurred around 3:30 pm when he was working on the machine while wearing a scarf to cover his face to protect himself from dust and his scarf accidently got stuck in the machine, leading to his tragic death.
According to the police, the deceased was identified as Dilip, son of Badrinath, a resident of Baghana. He worked at the Dal Mill near Deep Mala Dhaba. His co-worker said that Dilip was repairing the machine while wearing the scarf to cover his face from dust.
The rear wheel of the machine was moving and the scarf got stuck into it and he got strangulated. He was rushed to a nearby hospital but died before reaching the hospital. He is survived by his wife and three children. The police launched a probe to ascertain the exact circumstances surrounding the incident.
Earlier incident of accidental strangulation
Earlier on April 4, a 19-year-old girl had lost her life by accidental strangulation when a speeding e-rickshaw collided with her two-wheeler leading to the ID card, which she was wearing, getting wrapped around her neck after getting stuck in the handle of the two-