The Andheri Police have registered a shocking case of extortion and harassment wherein a 26-year-old woman was forced to strip in a hotel room during a video call by fraudsters posing as Delhi police officials. The woman – an employee of a pharma company and a resident of Borivali East – also lost Rs1.78 lakh to the accused, who manipulated her under the guise of a money laundering investigation into the Naresh Goyal case.

As per the FIR registered on November 28 at 10pm, the incident occurred on November 19-20. The perpetrators, using various mobile numbers to contact the woman while she was at her office in Andheri. They accused her of involvement in a money laundering case. Under the guise of confidentiality, they threatened her with arrest and coerced her into booking a hotel room for further discussions over a video call.

During the call, they demanded a bank account verification and tricked her into transferring Rs1.78 lakh. They further exploited her by instructing her to strip under the pretence of “body verification”. The police are investigating the matter and trying to trace the unidentified suspects.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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