On Tuesday, January 14, the Maharashtra School Education Department launched the application process for Right to Education (RTE) admissions 2025 for 25% of the reserved seats in schools. On the official website, student.maharashtra.gov.in, parents can apply for admission for their children. Applications must be submitted by January 27, 2025.
How to apply:
Step 1: Visit student.maharashtra.gov.in, the official Maharashtra student portal.
Step 2: Search the portal for the particular RTE admissions area or link.
Step 3: You may need to register if you don’t already have an account. Enter your login information if you have an account.
Step 4: Carefully and accurately complete the online application form.
Step 5: Before submitting the application, carefully go over all the information you supplied.
Step 6: For your records, preserve a copy of the application that was submitted.
Key eligibility criteria:
Children in the economically weaker sector (EWS) are those whose parents earn less than Rs 1 lakh per year.
It is recommended that parents carefully choose ten schools when applying for the 25% reservation.
Google Maps must be used to calculate the aerial distance between the residence and the school when completing the application.
As a result, while choosing schools, parents should make sure that distance is taken into account. The balloon feature, which can be adjusted up to five times, should be used to precisely set the residence’s location. Parents need to ensure that the location is entered accurately.
The application form should be carefully filled out and submitted within the allotted time. It is recommended to apply as soon as possible because technical problems, like internet connectivity, may cause submission delays until the final submission deadline.
The RTE portal offers information on the help centre in case there are any problems with the admissions procedure. To address any concerns, parents should get in touch with the assistance centre.
The online form requires parents to provide precise information, including their home address, birthdate, income certificate, handicap certificate, and caste certificate.
Children cannot reapply if they have already been admitted under the RTE 25% limit. Admission will be revoked if it is discovered that a kid who has already been admitted under the 25% quota has provided fraudulent information in order to be admitted again.
Parents are only need to submit one completed application. No application will be taken into consideration for the lottery if more than one is submitted. Parents should not upload any documents online.