Today, 25 January 2025, Ekadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Magh month and Saturday is the day. This day is considered to be special from religious point of view. According to the Hindu calendar, Shatatila Ekadashi fast will be observed on this day.
Date and planetary position
- Date:
- The Ekadashi date of Magh Krishna Paksha will remain till 08:32 pm tonight. After this, Dwadashi date will start.
- Nakshatra and Yoga:
- Jyeshtha Nakshatra: Will cross the whole night and will remain till 08:36 am tomorrow.
- Dhruv Yoga: Today will be the whole day and tomorrow till 04:38 am.
- Moon status:
- The Moon will remain in Scorpio zodiac today.
Auspicious time
Today is a special day for auspicious works. In the Muhurtas below you can do any auspicious work:
- Amrit Kaal Muhurta: 06:06 am to 07:42 am.
- Bhijit Muhurta: 12:08 pm to 12:51 pm.
- Vijay Muhurta: 02:23 pm to 03:25 pm.
- Godhuli Muhurta: 06:23 pm to 07:25 pm.
- Nishith Muhurta: 11:41 pm to midnight 12:20 pm.
- Brahma Muhurta: 04:03 am to 05:08 am.
Rahukkal Time (inauspicious time)
Avoid doing any auspicious work during Rahukaal. This time is considered inauspicious.
- Delhi: 09:53 am to 11:13 am.
- Mumbai: 10:03 am to 11:28 am.
- Chandigarh: 09:57 am to 11:16 pm.
- Lucknow: 09:37 am to 10:58 am.
- Bhopal: 09:48 am to 11:10 am.
- Kolkata: 09:04 am to 10:26 pm.
- Ahmedabad: 10:07 am to 11:29 am.
- Chennai: 09:29 am to 10:55 pm.
Sunrise and sunset time
- Sunrise: 07:12 am.
- Sunset: 05:54 pm.
Importance of Shatatila Ekadashi
Today, the fast of Shattila Ekadashi will be observed. This fast is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. It is believed that by fasting and donating on this day, a person gets freedom from sins and brings happiness and prosperity in life.
Hindu calendar and its importance
The Hindu calendar, also known as Vedic Almanac, is used for accurate calculation of time and time. Five organs of almanac (date, constellation, war, yoga, and karan) provide information about every aspect of the day. With this, auspicious time, Rahukaal, sunrise, sunset, and planetary position can be understood.