Today is 25th December 2024, Wednesday. According to the Hindu calendar, this is the Dashami tithi of Krishna Paksha of Pausha month, which will last till 10:30 pm. After this Ekadashi Tithi will start. Moon will be situated in Libra, and today’s constellation will be Chitra. There will be a combination of Atiganda Yoga during the day.
Rahukaal and time of auspicious works
- There is no Abhijeet Muhurta on Wednesday.
- Rahukaal will be from 12:20 pm to 1:37 pm. During this period one should avoid auspicious works.
Today is special as the birth anniversary of Madanmohan Malviya ji and Christmas day.
Panchang and its importance
The Hindu calendar, also known as the Vedic calendar, is a means of accurate calculation of time and period. It is made up of five organs:
- date
- constellation
- wise
- sum
- Karan
Through Panchang, information about auspicious time, Rahukaal, sunrise-sunset, position of planets, Hindu month, Paksha, etc. can be obtained.
Auspicious time of 25th December 2024
auspicious time | Time |
Paush Krishna Dashami date | Till 10:30 pm. |
Ekadashi date starts | After 10:30 pm. |
Chitra Nakshatra | Till 10:30 pm. |
immortality period | From 6:06 am to 7:42 am. |
twilight time | From 6:23 pm to 7:25 pm. |
Vijay Muhurta | From 2:23 pm to 3:25 pm. |
Nishith Muhurat | From 11:41 pm to 12:20 am. |
wee hours | From 4:03 am to 5:08 am. |
Today’s Rahukaal
City | Rahukaal time |
Delhi | From 12:21 am to 1:38 am. |
Mumbai | From 12:38 to 2:00. |
Chandigarh | From 12:22 to 1:38. |
Lucknow | From 12:06 am to 1:24 am. |
Bhopal | From 12:20 am to 1:24 am. |
Kolkata | From 11:36 am to 12:57 pm. |
Ahmedabad | From 12:39 to 1:59. |
Chennai | From 12:09 am to 1:34 am. |
sunrise and sunset time
- Sunrise: 7:11 am.
- Sunset: 5:31 pm.