Venkatesh Iyer, who made Kolkata Knight Riders the champion with his brilliant performance in IPL 2024, is going to become a doctor in some time. Venkatesh recently invested Rs. 23.75 crores, making him the fourth most expensive player. The 29-year-old all-rounder explained why it is important for him to wear the Indian jersey and why it is important for players to study.


Iyer is studying

Talking to Indian Express, he said that I am doing PhD in Finance. Next time you interview me as Dr. Venkatesh Iyer. Education always stays with you. A cricketer cannot play till the age of 60. Being educated also helps in decision making. I want a cricketer to learn not only cricket knowledge but also general knowledge. If you can complete graduation or post graduation then you should definitely do it. It is noteworthy that Venkatesh is currently completing his MBA studies in Patavi.

Rupee. Bid of Rs 23.75 crore received

The special thing is that Kolkata Knight Riders have released this all-rounder before the mega auction. Although there was a tough competition between KKR and Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) to buy him in the mega auction, in the end KKR managing director Venky Mysore managed to place the winning bid on him. Iyer played an important role in his team’s title win after ten years by scoring runs at a strike rate of around 160 in the IPL this year.



Iyer can become the captain of KKR

This time he got around Rs 24 crore in the mega auction. In such a situation, the team can also make him captain in IPL 2025. Not only this, the selectors will also keep a close eye on him in view of the upcoming T20 World Cup to be jointly hosted by India and Sri Lanka in 2026. Iyer had recently revealed that he always wanted Kolkata to retain him. After the auction, KKR CEO Venky Mysore said that Iyer had told him that he would have been disappointed if the franchise had not selected him in the auction.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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