Canada: A 22-year-old Indian student, Gurasis Singh, was tragically stabbed to death during a fight with his roommate in Sarnia, Canada. The incident occurred in the early hours of December 1, 2024, at a shared residence on Queen Street, where Singh, a first-year Business Management student at Lambton College, was living. The accused, 36-year-old Crossley Hunter, has been charged with second-degree murder and remains in custody.
According to the Sarnia Police, the fight started in the kitchen, where Hunter allegedly used a knife to stab Singh multiple times. Police responded to a 911 call and discovered the victim critically injured. Singh succumbed to his injuries at the scene, while Hunter was arrested immediately.
Hunter made a video appearance before the Ontario Court of Justice in London, where he was remanded in custody, as reported by India Today. His next court hearing is scheduled for December 6.
Sarnia Police Chief Derek Davis stated that the investigation is ongoing, with detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division working to uncover the circumstances and potential motives behind the crime. “At this time, we do not believe this crime to be racially motivated,” Chief Davis confirmed while acknowledging the complexity of the case.
Lambton College Shares Statement
The incident has sent shockwaves through the community, particularly at Lambton College, where Singh was enrolled in the International Business program. In a statement, the college expressed its sorrow over the loss of the young student.
“Lambton College is profoundly saddened by the loss of Gurasis Singh,” the statement read. “We extend our deepest condolences to his family, loved ones, and friends. Many of our employees knew Gurasis personally and have stepped in to support his grieving friends and classmates. We are also working closely with his family on funeral arrangements and repatriation,” the statement read further.