India vs Pakistan News: 217 fishermen and 49 Indian prisoners are serving their sentence in Pakistani jails. After completion of his sentence he should be sent back to India. Having said. India has asked Pakistan to provide immediate embassy access to 18 Indian prisoners, including a fisherman. India also said it had 381 Pakistani prisoners and fishermen in its custody.

India and Pakistan exchange lists of prisoners and fishermen lodged in jails in both countries on January 1 and July 1 every year under a treaty signed in 2008. He said that the Government of India has asked for the early release and repatriation of Indian prisoners and fishermen. , Apart from this, along with returning the seized boats of fishermen, missing Indian defense personnel have also been asked to be sent from Pakistani jails.

India specifically requested Pakistan to take special care of the safety, security and welfare of all Indian prisoners and fishermen. Along with this, prisoners and fishermen of both the countries should be released soon. In this regard, India has requested Pakistan to find out the nationality of 76 Pakistani prisoners and fishermen lodged in its jails and then take them back. They will not be sent back until their nationality is determined.

The Ministry of External Affairs says that since 2014, government efforts have resulted in the repatriation of 2,639 Indian fishermen and 71 Indian prisoners. Of them, 418 Indian fishermen, 13 Indian prisoners have been repatriated since 2023.

Apart from this, both countries exchanged information about each other’s nuclear facilities. The Foreign Ministry said that both the countries have still maintained their three-decade-old agreement not to attack each other’s nuclear facilities. The agreement was signed on 31 December 1988 and came into force on 27 January 1991. This was the 34th exchange since the beginning of exchange of lists from 1 January 1992. Although relations between the two countries have reached an all-time low due to terrorist attacks on the Kashmir issue, this agreement still stands.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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