Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A band of thieves barged in a temple and stole a heavy brass bell worth Rs 15,000 from Madhya Pradesh’s Gwalior on Wednesday night. The theft was discovered by the caretaker of the temple on Thursday morning.
The theft has been captured on a CCTV camera that was installed on the gate of the temple. The police have registered a case of theft and have started reviewing the CCTV footage.
According to information, the caretaker of the temple, identified as Sanjay Sharma, was the one who discovered the theft. According to sources, on Wednesday night at around 10 PM, Sharma performed the last arti and left the temple. He made sure that he locked the temple and nothing of value was kept near the gate. The only piece of value that was near the gate was a 20 kg brass temple bell worth Rs 15,000.
Late on Wednesday night, a band of thieves approached the temple. They surveyed the area and found that it was safe for them to begin their operation. They began by breaking the lock on the door and discarding the lock in a water tank. Once the door was open, they found a ladder and began removing the bell. Due to its weight, it took the thieves a lot of time to bring it down. The miscreants were successful in getting the bell off the roof. They took the bell and ran, leaving the temple door wide open.
Police investigation
Sharma, as a part of his routine, arrived at the temple early on Thursday morning. As soon as he discovered that the door was forced open and the bell was missing, he informed the police. Police arrived at the crime scene and saw a CCTV camera. CCTV footage has been handed over to the police, and further investigations are underway.