20 year old boy won lottery worth Rs 80 crore: James, who lives in Britain, won 120 pounds i.e. about Rs 12724 in the National Lottery during Christmas. With that money he again bought other lottery tickets. Out of that, he won the lottery worth 75 lakh pounds i.e. Rs 78.84 crore in Indian rupees.


Seeing this, I remember a song from the movie ‘Hera Pheri’, ‘Dene waala jab bhi deta, deta chappar faad ke.’ That is, this proverb is used when a person receives a lot of money or happiness. This has happened with a boy living in Britain. Who has won the lottery worth about Rs 80 crore. But the interesting thing is that after winning the lottery he went to clean the drains. Let us find out why he did this.

lottery worth crores

According to a report, a 20 year old boy named James Clarkson has won this lottery. He is a trainee gas engineer. James won £120 or £12,724 in the National Lottery at Christmas. With this money he bought more lottery tickets. From which he benefited a lot. He has got a lottery jackpot of 75 lakh pounds i.e. Rs 79.84 crore in Indian rupees.

‘At first I didn’t believe it at all’

‘I was at my girlfriend’s house. When I woke up early to see the snowfall, I saw a message on the National Lottery app that I had won the lottery. I didn’t believe it at all. I thought I was dreaming. It was 7.30 in the morning so everyone was sleeping. I thought my father would have woken up by now, so I called him. He said, you come home, then we will see. I reached home. After this everyone in my family sat in front of the phone. I called him as soon as the National Lottery line opened at 9 am. He confirmed that I had won the lottery.


Don’t stop cleaning drains even after winning the lottery.

Surprisingly, even after winning the lottery, James returned to property maintenance. He told that even after winning the lottery, he started cleaning the drains which get clogged in winter. He said, ‘I will not stop doing my work. And pay attention to my studies also. I am still very young.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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