Mumbai: Two individuals attempted self-immolation in separate incidents in Maharashtra’s Beed and Dhule districts on Sunday, on the occasion of Republic Day, protesting against different grievances. The dramatic incidents reportedly occurred in the presence of state ministers, drawing attention to local issues.
Man Attempts Self-Immolation In Front Of Minister’s Convoy
In Beed, an individual identified as Nitin Mujmule attempted to immolate himself in front of Minister Dattatray Bharne’s convoy near the government rest house. Mujmule’s protest was aimed at the alleged irregularities in Beed Municipality, for which he demanded the removal of Chief Executive Officer Nita Andhare, as reported by the Times Of India.
As the convoy approached Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhavan, Mujmule doused himself in petrol. However, alert police officers intervened in time and thwarted his attempt, ensuring no harm was caused.
Similar Attempt Conducted In Dhule During Republic Day Celebrations
Meanwhile, in Dhule, a similar protest took place during a Republic Day flag-hoisting ceremony attended by Guardian Minister Jayakumar Rawal. Vavdya Patil, the individual involved, tried to set himself ablaze to protest alleged police inaction against illegal cattle transportation from Shirpur’s cowsheds. The incident occurred in full view of attendees during the Republic Day celebrations, but timely action by authorities prevented the situation from escalating.
According to the report, police confirmed that both Mujmule and Patil were detained following their self-immolation attempts. They were later released after being counselled.