Our diet changes a lot during the winter season. During this time, some such things are included in our diet, which help in keeping our body warm in winter and maintaining good overall health. One of these is the combination of dates and milk. Consuming dates with hot milk in winter is considered like nectar. Both these things are rich in nutrients and when combined, become even more beneficial for our health. So let us know today about the benefits of drinking hot milk with dates.

Bones get strength
Dates are rich in minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese and copper. Milk is also rich in calcium and protein. In such a situation, when dates and milk are mixed, its strength doubles. Drinking dates mixed with milk during winter season strengthens bones and muscles and provides relief from joint pain. Drinking date milk is very beneficial for people suffering from osteoporosis.

strengthen the digestive system
Date milk also helps in strengthening the digestive system. Actually, dates contain plenty of fiber. In such a situation, its consumption keeps the digestive system healthy and also provides relief from all stomach related problems like gas, constipation, acidity etc. Apart from this, drinking dates mixed with milk can also be beneficial for those who do not digest milk easily. To overcome the problem of stomach swelling or constipation, drinking dates mixed with hot milk is also beneficial.

10 Health Benefits of Eating Dates with Milk – Care N Cure Online Pharmacy Qatar

take care of brain health
Drinking milk with dates in winter is also considered beneficial for brain development. In fact, both dates and milk are rich in vitamin B, potassium as well as several mineral nutrients including carotenoids, flavonoids, lignans, phenolic acids and polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. All these help in enhancing memory as well as strengthening concentration power. Apart from this, it also reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Growing children should be fed date milk.

immunity booster
The risk of seasonal diseases increases slightly during the winter season. This season brings many diseases especially for children and the elderly. In such a situation, drinking milk with dates can be very beneficial for everyone in this season. Drinking it daily brings warmth to the body, increases energy and strengthens the body’s immune system. This increases the body’s ability to fight diseases.


insomnia will go away
Drinking date milk is also beneficial for people who have insomnia and do not sleep easily. Actually, amino acid tryptophan is found in milk, tryptophan is also found in dates. It is an ingredient that provides relief from lack of sleep by relaxing the mind. Drinking dates mixed with milk daily relieves all sleep related problems.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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