Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 19-year-old youth drowned in the Upper Lake at Bhopal’s Boat Club on Monday night. The incident occurred around 9 PM and came to light an hour later when the young man’s friend informed his elder brother over a phone call. In turn, the brother rushed to the spot and called up police.

Police arrived at the scene shortly with a team of divers. The divers recovered the youth’s body at around 10:30 PM. The body has been sent to Hamidia Hospital for post mortem. A case has been registered, and further investigations into the death are underway.

According to information, the deceased, identified as Vansh Yadav, was a resident near Old Vidhan Sabha. He worked at a shop in New Market. According to his elder brother, Vansh had gone to the Boat Club with his girlfriend, with whom he was in a relationship. Both Vansh and the girl’s family were aware of the relationship and had no objections. Discussions of their marriage were underway.

The cause of the incident remains unclear. Preliminary investigations suggest that there might have been a dispute between the victim and his girlfriend, which could lead to such a drastic step. The case is being treated as a suicide case, and investigations will move further with the possibility in mind. Police have started taking statements from the girlfriend and the victim’s family.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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