Mumbai: The Malad police have registered a case against six individuals for allegedly assaulting a minor student. The incident occurred on January 4, and the case was filed on January 5. The complaint was lodged by a 17-year-old boy, an 11th-standard student at Durgadevi Saraf College in Malad West.

The case has been registered under several sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. However, the police have yet to take any action. The accused have been identified as Deepak, Nihar, Nishant, Amir and two unidentified individuals.

According to the police, the incident happened on Saturday around 5 p.m. when the complainant was returning home after his exam.

On Sundarnagar Road near the college, two individuals, identified as Ajay and Deepak, aged 20–25, drove their bike dangerously close to the student and stopped ahead, where their associates were also present.

The complainant confronted them about the reckless biking, leading to an altercation. The situation escalated, and the group, consisting of 6–7 individuals, began abusing and assaulting the student with punches, kicks, and blows. As people started gathering at the scene, the accused fled.

Two of the complainant’s friends took him to Shatabdi Hospital in Kandivali West for treatment. His condition is currently stable. After receiving treatment, the student approached the Malad police and lodged a complaint.

The Malad police registered the case under sections 118 (2) (Voluntarily causing hurt or grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means), 115 (2) (Voluntarily causing hurt), 351, 352 (Criminal intimidation), 189 (1), 189 (2) (Unlawful assembly), 190 (Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object), and 191 (2) (Rioting) of the Bharatiya Nayya Sanhita.

Sources reveal that the fight may have been triggered by a dispute over bike parking. A police team visited the scene and assured that they would identify those responsible for the assault and take strict action.

However, a formal complaint has also been filed by the other group involved in the altercation. Sources further revealed that the police had previously received a formal complaint against the accused party. The complainant and accused know each other.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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