For the first time in the history of Maratha Vidya Prasarak (MVP) Samaj Sanstha’s Karmaveer Ganpat Dada More Arts, Commerce and Science College, Niphad, 17 students have been selected in Maharashtra Police and Indian Army simultaneously. This has created an atmosphere of excitement in the college. NCC cadets in the junior and senior departments of the college and players from the sports department have successfully competed in government services and got job opportunities. On this occasion, the students selected for the job were felicitated by the president of the institution, Balasaheb Kshirsagar and the principal of the college, Prof (Dr) Suresh Jadhav.

For the success of these students, MVP Samaj Sanstha General Secretary Adv Nitin Thackeray, President Dr Sunil Dhikle, Vice President Vishwasrao More, Deputy Chairman Devram Mogal, Secretary Dilip Dalvi, Director Shivaji Appa Gadakh, Women’s Director Shobhatai Boraste, Principal of Niphad College Prof (Dr) Suresh Jadhav, all members, well-wishers, all professors and relatives congratulated and wished them well.

“The true purpose of education is to raise the standard of living by helping a student stand on his own feet and contribute financially to the family. Niphad College and all its components are making unremitting efforts to realise this purpose. Established in 1971, the college is unhesitatingly soaring to the sky on the principles and ideals of MVP Karmaveer. Niphad College is making its mark as a successful student in every field through education, culture, modernity, social work, employment generation, environmental awareness, art, sports and all-round work and activities,” said Balasaheb Kshirsagar (President, MVP)

Selected Students:

Police Force:

Roshni Kadri, Yasmin Pinjari, Siddharth Sanap, Vaibhav Gholap, Aditya Shirsat, Chetan Kadale, Piyush Kumar Yadav, Shubham Khaire.

Indian Army:

Pralhad Gaikwad, Dhananjay Shinde, Kiran Kasar, Aniket Walke, Aniket Somvanshi, Prathamesh Tadge, Abhiraj Mogre, Pramod Hilal, Niranjan Pawar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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