Palghar: A tragic accident occurred on Thursday at Safale railway station in Palghar district, where 16-year-old Vaishnavi Rawal, a 10th-grade student, lost her life after being struck by the Gujarat-bound Rajdhani Express while crossing the railway tracks.
Rawal, a local resident, was reportedly wearing earphones at the time of the accident, which contributed to her not noticing the approaching train.
The incident took place near a level crossing that lacks a designated pedestrian footbridge, forcing pedestrians to cross the tracks at their own risk. Rawal, who was crossing the tracks when the accident happened, became the latest victim of a longstanding safety concern in the area.
This tragic incident marks the second such fatality at Safale station involving pedestrians wearing earphones. Just ten days ago, local passengers, including MP Dr. Hemant Sawara, raised concerns about pedestrian safety with the General Manager of Western Railways.
They advocated for the construction of a footbridge at the crossing to prevent accidents, but no action has been taken on their request so far.
The absence of a safe pedestrian bridge to cross the tracks has been a persistent issue, with many locals calling for urgent action. Following the fatal incident, a large group of villagers from Makhne gathered near the station, expressing their anger and frustration.
However, after discussions with social activists and the police, it was concluded that the railway station officials were not to blame. The responsibility for the accident was instead placed on the senior officials of the Railway Public Works Department.
The tragedy has shaken the local community and raised serious concerns regarding pedestrian safety at the railway crossing. In response, residents and local leaders are amplifying their calls for immediate safety measures, including the urgent construction of a footbridge to ensure the safety of pedestrians at Safale station.