In a recent incidence in Sri Ganganagar district, a 14-year-old girl died after consuming a cabbage leaf from her own farm that had been sprayed with pesticides

Some vegetables are more likely to be heavily sprayed with pesticides due to their susceptibility to pests. Understanding which ones fall into this category can help you make informed choices about buying organic or thoroughly washing your produce
Spinach is highly nutritious but also one of the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables. Its tender leaves attract pests, making it a target for heavy spraying
Bell peppers are vibrant and delicious but are often sprayed with pesticides to prevent insect damage
Celery’s lack of protective skin makes it especially vulnerable to pesticides. Residues can easily remain on its surface
Tomatoes are a favorite target for pests and are often treated with pesticides to maintain their appearance and yield
Potatoes are root vegetables that often face pest issues underground, leading to the use of significant amounts of pesticides. Residues can remain on the skin even after washing

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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