Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 14-year-old boy’s experiment with a mobile phone battery landed him at a hospital in Madhya Pradesh’s Ashok Nagar. The curious boy tried to connect a cell (used in electronics) with a mobile phone battery when it exploded. He has sustained severe injuries in his hands and stomach.
The accident was reported from Govind Nagar village of Isagarh area. Following this, he was admitted to the hospital for treatment.
The injured was identified as Veerpal (14), son of Ramnath Parihar.
According to information, Veerpal after returning from school went outside his house to play with his friends. While playing, one of his friends found out a cell and gave it to Veerpal. He got curious and tried to run it with the battery of a mobile phone by holding it in his hand. Suddenly, the cell exploded in his hand and his one finger got separated.
The accident was so intense that his fingers, palms and stomach were injured. Upon this, Veerpal friends informed his mother and he rushed his son to the nearby hospital for treatment.
Local authorities have been informed about the incident, and there are calls for increased awareness regarding safety around hazardous substances.