Today is 12 March 2025, Wednesday. This date is the Trayodashi date of the Shukla Paksha of Phalgun month, which will remain till 09:12 am. After this, Chaturdashi date will start. Today, Moon will transit in Leo sign and the effect of Magha Nakshatra will be throughout the day. At the same time, Sukarmana is also becoming a coincidence of yoga, which can make the day more auspicious.
Abhijeet Muhurta is not done on Wednesday, but work can be done by taking care of other auspicious time. The time of Rahukaal will be from 12:30 pm to 1:58 pm, during which any auspicious work should be avoided.
Panchang of 12 March 2025
Day | Wednesday |
month | Falgun (Shukla Paksha) |
Date | Trayodashi (till 09:12 am), then Chaturdashi |
constellation | Magha (next day till 04:06 am) |
sum | Sukarma (up to 01:00 PM) |
Sunrise | 6:34 am |
sunset | 6:27 pm |
Rahukal | 12:30 PM to 1:58 PM |
Twilight | 6:23 pm to 7:25 pm |
Vijay Muhurta | 2:23 PM to 3:25 pm |
Nishith Muhurta | 11:41 PM to 12:20 AM |
wee hours | 4:03 am to 5:08 am |
Auspicious time of 12 March 2025
Major auspicious time:
- Sukarma Yoga: till 1:00 pm
- Magha Nakshatra: 4:06 am (next day)
- Amrit Kaal: 6:06 am to 7:42 am
- Mudhuli Muhurta: 6:23 pm to 7:25 pm
- Vijay Muhurta: 2:23 pm to 3:25 pm
- Nishith Muhurta: 11:41 pm to 12:20 pm
- Brahma Muhurta: 4:03 am to 5:08 am
Rahukaal Time (12 March 2025)
Auspicious works should be avoided in Rahukaal, because this time is affected by negative energy.
City | Rahukaal Time |
Delhi | 12:31 pm – 2:00 pm |
Mumbai | 12:49 pm – 2:18 pm |
Chandigarh | 12:33 pm – 2:02 pm |
Lucknow | 12:17 pm – 1:46 pm |
Bhopal | 12:30 PM – 2:00 pm |
Kolkata | 11:47 am – 2:19 pm |
Ahmedabad | 12:19 PM – 1:49 pm |
Chennai | 3:19 PM – 4:49 pm |
Fasting and festival of 12 March 2025
- Bhoom Pradosh fast
This fast is known as Pradosh Vrat on Tuesday, which is considered important for the worship of Lord Shiva. By observing this fast, all the sins of a person are destroyed and the desired fruit is obtained.
Hindu calendar and its characteristics
Almanac is also known as Vedic Almanac, which is used to perform the exact calculation of time and time. It consists of five main elements:
- Date – a part of the lunar month
- Nakshatra – Elements depicting the position of the moon
- War – Based on seven days
- Yoga – Special status of planets
- Karan – half of the date
Through the almanac, we have the right time knowledge for auspicious time, inauspicious time, planetary movements and religious rituals.