Mumbai: Sales of electric vehicles in the country in November have declined by 12 percent to 191,554 vehicles as compared to October. In October this figure was 219021 vehicles. Auto industry sources said November sales have seen a decline due to lower festive demand. However, electric vehicle sales are expected to see impressive growth for the full year 2024.
From the vehicle data of the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, it can be said that the sales of electric vehicles have increased by 31 percent in November of the current year as compared to November of 2023.
There has been a decline in sales of all types of electric vehicles in November as compared to October. From the data obtained, it can also be said that the sales of electric two-wheeler, three-wheeler and four-wheeler vehicles have decreased by five to twenty-five percent on a monthly basis.
The biggest decline has been seen in e-four wheelers with 25 percent. Sales of four wheelers which were 11587 vehicles in October fell to 8782 vehicles in November.
Sales of e-two-wheelers, which account for over 60 per cent of total e-vehicle sales, fell 15 per cent in November, while three-wheeler sales fell five per cent last month compared to October, the data showed. There may have been a slight decline in the November figures, but year-on-year sales are showing growth and car buyers are choosing electric vehicles.