Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The police on Thursday arrested six people in connection with the attack on Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) corporator Kamlesh Kalra’s house and assault on his minor son. Someone had made a video of the incident and circulated it on social media but the police took over four days to identify the accused and arrest them. It is said that the accused are the supporters of Mayor–in-Council (MiC) member Jitu Yadav.

Additional DCP (Zone-4) Anand Yadav informed Free Press that on the basis of the videos and the CCTV camera footage of the spot, 10 people had been identified and six of them arrested so far. The arrested accused were Lalit Gogade, Krishna Sharma, Arun alias Golu Yadav, Vinay Bhadrelal (all residents of Sheelnath Camp, Kulkarni Ka Bhatta area of the city), Navin Arya of Gauri Nagar area and Pintu Rawrekar of Pardeshipura.

The accused have been charged under various sections, including Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, and further investigation is on to identify the others involved in the crime.

To recall, corporator Kalra had an argument with an IMC employee over some issue and the employee had taken the name of Jitu Yadav during their argument. After this incident, Jitu Yadav allegedly sent some youths to Kalra’s house on January 4. They reportedly thrashed his son and misbehaved with him after removing his clothes. The accused also allegedly misbehaved with Kalra’s mother and wife and fled after threatening them and destroying the nameplate of Kalra.

Kalra was not at home at the time of the incident. His family members informed him and he made a phone call to Yadav, asking him to tell the youths to leave his house. Some audio recordings of the conversation between Kalra and Yadav were also circulated on social media.

CM instructs police to take strict action against accused

Chief minister Mohan Yadav posted on his X handle that the incident in which some miscreants entered Kalra’s residence in Indore and assaulted and misbehaved with the family members was unfortunate.

In this regard, the police had registered an FIR, identified nine accused by examining CCTV camera footage and six accused were arrested. The incident involved misbehaviour with a minor, due to which action was also taken under the POCSO Act. The police were instructed to take this matter seriously and ensure strict action against the accused, he said.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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