Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Piplani police on Friday arrested a liquor smuggler and seized illicit liquor worth over Rs 11 lakh. The liquor was being brought from Goa to be sold in Madhya Pradesh.

DCP Zone 2 Sanjay Kumar Agarwal said a police team under TI Piplani police station Anurag Lal was carrying out checking drive near Anand Nagar police outpost. The team intercepted a SUV and found it loaded with liquor brought from Goa.

The driver Rahul Gurjar claimed that the liquor was manufactured in Goa but failed to produce any relevant documents regarding its transportation and sale. Police seized 170 cartons, each containing 50 quarters of illicit liquor. The cost of the smuggled liquor is estimated to be worth around 11.50 lakh, DCP added.

TI Anurag Lal said efforts were on to trace the SUV owner used for smuggling liquor. An FIR has been registered against the accused and he is being questioned further to know that since when he was engaged in liquor smuggling and about persons to whom he was to deliver it. It is suspected that some more persons were involved in running the racket, TI added.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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